Thursday, January 29, 2009


Hey everyone,

I tried to have a day off today since I've got to
work on Saturday, but that didn't happen.
Darryl is in Kentucky on storm trouble and I'm
having to be a farmer girl again.
I really do enjoy doing it and it's been a while since
I've really done alot outside so a little hard work
never hurt anyone.

I've got up wood, clean and straightened the basement,
blowed off the carport and back porch behind the basement,
took off the trash and fed Darryl's cows. Need I say more.
I'm tired and ready to go to bed. Hey I also washed several
loads of clothes and still cooked supper for Ashley and Levi.

Callie came to see me today and she was so upset when she
had to leave. I tried riding down the road with Brittany a
little ways, but she figured out that I was going back to my house
when we turned in the drive way and started crying again.
I love her to pieces and can't figure out why she likes
to play and stay over here.

You can ask her if she wants to go home and she says NO!!

I hope you've had a blessed day!! Ann

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday are the best!!

Sunday is a time that I can get together with my children
and my grand baby. I usually cook lunch(Harrison's buffet)
and then we get to
visit for a few minutes because Callie is usually getting
tired around
this time and her mom and dad usually have to leave early
to take her home for nap.
Here lately, Callie has a new thing she does when it's time to go
home after preaching she is ready to get with
pa and ma-ma so she can ride in my car seat to come to my

She will cry so hard (big ole tears)if she thinks she's got to ride
home with her moma and daddy. I hope they don't mind?????

We love it and feels she loves us. We enjoy having her here with us
any time we can get her. She is truly a joy and the apple of our eyes!!

Then when, Brittany goes home we usually visit with Ashley for a while.
She is wanting to build a house so her and Levi can finally get out
on their own. I can't wait until they have a baby of their own!!! ??

Blessings to all and I hope your day was as blessed as mine!!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Thank goodness it is Friday!!
I finally got to see Callie today. She is getting so
big and never stops. I sure do enjoy getting to see her
and she is talking up a storm!

My day was busy and i'm glad it's over!!!

I'm thankful for the weekend and I hope I get
to go shopping over the weekend.

Keeping Callie tomorrow evening and then back
to church on Sunday to hear Darryl teach.

I really do enjoy him teaching Sunday School he
is really a good teacher.

I hope you've all had wondermus day!!!
signing off!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hair Appointment!!

Well, it's 7:51pm and I just got back from the hair salon.
My hair is dark again and not red.
She also cut my hair way to short on the sides. Oh well, I will have to deal!!
Brittany was there getting her hair cut and I hope she likes her cut.
She didn't bring Callie so I missed getting to see her.

One more day of work and i'm off til Monday. It's been a long week to
have been off on Monday. It should be an interesting day tomorrow.

I have a couple of friends I would like everyone to pray for. I can't talk
about what is going on, but they need your prayers.

Well, enough for now I hope you've had a blessed day!!:)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It sure has been cold!!

Well, this is my 2nd day blogging. I wonder how many of you noticed that I was testing everyone just to see who responded about the way I spelled "grammer" guess what I do know how to spell "grammar" after all. However, you may catch me spelling other words wrong for real in the future.

Oh well, if I do I'm not perfect and have never claimed to be. I'm just having fun learning something new with this crazy blog. If only I could learn how to put pictures on it. I will continue working with it and maybe one day you can view some of the pictures that I love to take. I think I missed my calling being a photographer. I could go crazy spending money on camera equipment.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful day!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration day 2009

Hey everyone,
This is my first post of 2009.
I thought it was time I jumped on the band wagon of everyone else who is blogging these days.
Well it is 650pm and Barack Obama has made his way to the White House!!!
I guess that is all that happened important today at least to some folks anyway.
I hope and pray that it is the best thing for our country but only time will tell.

Darryl and I are sitting here talking about the economy with nothing new to tell that you all probably don't already know.

Yesterday was a sweet day. I got to see both my children and in-law children along with my grandbaby. She is growing so fast and is already 34inches tall and only 19months old.

I have such a sweet family and am so thankful for all of them. God is so good!!

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and will bring more and exciting things as the weeks progress.